We empowered Keylu users with a user-friendly mobile app, available on both iOS and Android, built with Flutter. This app makes it a breeze to store and manage vital information like bank accounts, insurance policies, mortgages, wills, and even cherished memories. Most importantly, it allows users to share this information seamlessly with loved ones when needed, providing peace of mind and ensuring a smooth transition for those left behind.
iOS / Android
The challenge
Navigating life's transitions and sharing vital information with loved ones can be messy in a digital age – paper documents fade and spreadsheets feel impersonal. Keylu steps in, offering a secure, intuitive platform to organize your life's essentials – from bank accounts to cherished memories. But the challenge remains: how to simplify this crucial information gathering and ensure users embrace this valuable tool?
What we did
Mobikats crafted a secure mobile app for Keylu in Flutter, that empowers them to dynamically tailor information gathering for users, all without sacrificing user-friendliness. The app seamlessly pulls content and question flows from Keylu's CMS, presenting them in an intuitive and engaging way. We also integrated a smooth subscription model through Google Play and Apple Pay, ensuring users can easily access this valuable information management tool.